Mary Poppins Payment Forms
This page allows the payment of the required and optional fees associated with participating in the Spring Musical. Producing the musical is a significant endeavor, made possible through the collective support of everyone—both financially and through the generous donation of time as volunteers. Additionally, the students dedicate countless hours to preparation and rehearsal, ensuring a performance that reflects their hard work and talent.
Required Form: Student Fees Form
To be completed by all musical participants. This form contains both required and optional fees for the musical.
Optional Form: T-Shirt Order Form
This form is to be used to order a musical T-shirt if one was not previously ordered during the completion of the required Student Fees form or to order an additional T-shirt.
Optional Form: Yard Sign Order Form
This form is to be used to order a musical yard sign if one was not previously ordered during the completion of the required Student Fees form or to order an additional yard sign.
Optional Form: Upload Program Artwork or buy Program Ads/Theatre Sponsorships
If a program ad was previously purchased, use this form to upload digital artwork for inclusion in the program. Additional program ads or theatre sponsorships can also be purchased using this form.